Appendix 1: Consultation Document


Overdale Community Primary School







The Governing Body of Overdale Community Primary School is proposing to make new Early Years provision for two year old children.  We would like to know the views of parents and other interested members of the community.


Why are the governors making these proposals?


2 year olds that are entitled to 15 hours per week of funded early education from the beginning of the school term following their 2rd birthday until the term after their 3rd birthday when they are able to join a nursery class or a ‘Foundation stage class’. More information on whether your child is eligible can be found on This funded entitlement can be taken up in a maintained school, and/or in an Ofsted registered private and voluntary sector provision. It is parental choice as to which type of provision is most appropriate for their child and most convenient for individual circumstances.


Overdale Primary School is proposing to provide places for 2 year olds as an extension of current nursery class provision in school. The new provision for 2 year olds would have a qualified early years teacher and suitably qualified and experienced teaching assistant(s) to provide an excellent environment for a young child’s development and to support the learning and development of 2 year olds with a 1 adult :4 children staffing ratio.


What would our Foundation Stage Class provision look like?


There will be high quality play-based provision for the 2 year olds in the nursery class which meet the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) including role play, sand, water, construction, reading, mark making, and outside play.  The learning environment will be equipped with suitable furniture, equipment and resources for 2 year olds.  There will be free flow between the indoor and outdoor areas offering children the choice of activities and allowing them to engage in learning which is relevant and appropriate to their age and stage of development. The 2 year olds will be taught and supported by knowledgeable and appropriately trained adults who are in tune with each child’s individual needs.


Why is this consultation taking place?


The youngest children Overdale can admit are in the nursery.  In order to take younger children into the nursery, legal processes must be followed to formally lower the age range for the school from 3-11 year olds, to 2-11 year olds.  The first step in this process is that local people must be asked for their views.  A formal statutory process will then be followed on the proposal that 2 year olds can attend our school each day.


How many places will be offered?


We are proposing a two-phase expansion.  From October 2023 Overdale School will initially offer 4 full-time equivalent places each day.  However, from September 2024 we will expand to offer up to 8 full time (or equivalent part-time) places for 2 year olds, which can include provision over lunchtime. There will be an additional charge if a school dinner is provided.





Which children would be eligible for a place?


Priority for admission to the nursery class will be determined by the County Council’s Admissions Policy for Nurseries. Admissions to the nursery class are separate from admissions to the school, which are determined by the County Council’s policy for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools. Further details are available at:


Deciding on admissions


The Headteacher will make the offer of a place in writing to parents and carers.


How will the new Nursery provision affect other providers?


The Nursery would take children from age 2. Local Early Years’ providers are being consulted and have the opportunity to make their views on the proposal known.


What will happen next?


This is the first step of the consultation. Comments on this consultation will be considered by the Governing Body who will then decide whether to ask the County Council’s Executive to publish statutory proposals to lower the age range of the school on their website. This will provide a further period of four weeks in which views and comments can be made.


If these proposals go ahead, when will the new provision for 2 year olds open?


It is proposed that the first 2 year old children will join the Nursery provision in November 2023, with an increased number of 2 year olds joining in September 2024.


How do I make my views known?


Your views are important and we would value your opinions.


You should complete the attached comments sheet and return it to the school.



Comments should be returned by Monday 20th March 2023


If you have any further queries, these should be addressed to Mrs Vicki Logan (Headteacher)




















Do you consider it desirable that the age range of the school is changed from 3 to 11 to 2 to 11?                       


Yes                                                                             No                                                                                                                                             



Any further comments you would like to make:




Name:             ____________________________________            Please tick the category you


Address:          ____________________________________


                        ____________________________________            Parent




                        ____________________________________            Governor                                


Post Code:      ____________________________________            Other              



                                                                                                            Please specify …………..


Please return to:


Overdale Community Primary School (Consultation)

Ashmead Square,



YO11 3XJ.



Comments should be returned by Monday 20th March 2023